I began my career in this business w/ an awards show. Let me repeat that, because it bares repeating. I started in the local music scene by doing an awards show w/ 13 bands all on one stage in one night. I feel like this story has been told and told until I’m blue in the face so I won’t rehash the entire front to back history. I’ll start w/ this; I had an idea and I brought it to life. Now was it successful?? I think it was pretty successful however there was an enormous amount of things I saw that could be improved upon. First thing was 13 bands playing five to eight minute sets didn’t work on a local setting, it works on a large scale for the Grammy’s and MTV awards but on in a bar and on a local level it didn’t compute as I had hoped. To this day I do believe it was the most bands on one stage at Gullifty’s Underground, or Cliffs Tavern (Whatever you wanna call it these days) especially in a 5 hour range. Though we did have some heavy hitters in that room that night including The Drama Club (Featuring Current members of COLD), Havok In Hollywood, fronted by Davey Suicide who’s spearheading a very successful solo career currently. Not to Mention local royalty in bands like A Utopian Skyline and Julian Fist. Certain aspects we’ren’t polished as of yet, however you know? It was a First. The first show of its kind in Central PA. There was another awards show called the Central PA Music Awards which lasted 2 years that came along at the same time however the longevity of our show proved its worth.
Another thing that didn’t work was the name. The Doctors Office Awards Show (The name of my website at the time). It was like I was giving out awards for best flouride and shortest cleaning. It was changed to The 717 Awards after the area code of which we were located. Our show lasted 8 years. Its still the longest running awards show in Central Pennsylvania. No other show has gone for half as long, although this year will mark the 4th year for the CPMA’s or the Central Pennsylvania Music Awards show, a non profit outfit who also ads the element of the Central Pennsylvania Hall of Fame along w/ the Awards.
What do I think about the CPMA’s and the CPHOF? I’m asked this alot as I am the creator of the longest running Awards show in Central PA. Yeah, Yeah I’m tooting my own horn, stroking my own ego. Honestly I don’t want to this to come off as arrogant at all, let me preface this by just saying I’m proud of that show. The 717 Awards, I’m very very proud of that thing. It featured so many amazing bands and the final band to play it was the second ever live performance by a little band called From Ashes To New. Anyway to the point. The CPMA’s are honestly very in line w/ the vision I had for the 717 Awards w/ the Red Carpet, pre show and the live broadcasting of both. I love the red carpet interviews. The Hall of Fame was a super good addition because not only does it draw more attention featuring some big name acts but it also brings some relevance to the show. Forming a Relationship w/ Bret Michaels of Poison, I’m not a fan of the “Invite Only” presentation of the award. Its cute but comes off a tad, I don’t know I just don’t like it. I like that they cover a broad spectrum of awards as well. They may over do it a tad in an effort to recognize everyone. Quality over Quantity. Doing it at a seated venue is also a sweet touch as that’s something I did always want to do as well. I feel like this is a much more Corporate event similiar to the Grammy awards where ours was much more independent and in your face like the MTV awards. Ours was very focused around the performances where as the CPMA’s is much more about the awards, which I won’t say is good or bad it’s just a major difference between the two. I am not sure I’d have ever gone through w/ the Red Carpet and dress up thing only because it didn’t fit the theme of our show, meanwhile it fits this one perfectly. I’m completely baffled by a Hall of Fame w/out a brick and Morder building to display all the amazing artifacts and things they’ve collected. Perhaps that is the big goal in the long run.
One thing that’s always been extremely important to me is being first and not duplicating someone else’s work. The awards as they are presenting them is not new, its different and advanced but its not a first. The hall of Fame element is new and its a first which I think is great. The whole package I’d consider a first. You can look back at all our special shows, themed shows and such and you tell me if you can find one that’s not a first of it’s kind. Some havn’t really been done to thier fullest extend like our Christmas and Metal Ball shows this year. Christmas Shows aren’t new but our idea to do a christmas themed show w/ a Sexy Santa's helper contest could be a first of it’s kind. We are working on doing that for next year in a way that’s not targeted by the cancel culture of the times we live in. We used to do Bikini Contests at Gullifty’s to add to the ombiance of the show. It was an added fun for everyone involved including, nay Especially the young ladies participating. Anyway I’m veering off track and the last thing I want to do is ruffle feathers and get all political or whatever. My point is I find it super important to be First. If you can’t be first change it up and make it yours as Imo the CPMA’s did.
Now that my legs are getting tired from standing on my soap box I’ll try to wrap this thing up w/ out everyone reading this thinking “this guy is an arrogant fuck”. I’m going to continue these blogs whether it be stories or potential advice, maybe just a good ole fashioned “Whats on my mind” type situation. Thanks so much to everyone who supports me and the show’s I do and to all those who I’m told nearly sold out the CPMA’s already. One day I will attend one. I may go this year however I was offered a pretty awesome show that night. I’m well aware that 90% of the area’s local musicians will be at the awards that night and I”m not combating them in anyway, just got offered a show I can’t refuse. Hopefully it’ll come to fruition and what I’d love to see is everyone come over after the awards. Well… Night, or Good day depending on when you read this…